Oh, man. This one is good. I ordered one of these manga Bibles used just to go through it and check it out. There is an anime Bible? I mean manga. Whatever.
Month: April 2016
Myths About the Bible: 7 Bible Myths Debunked
There are a lot of reasons why people become disinterested in and dismissive of the Bible despite being in awe of other literary, historical, and religious works.
Many of those reasons have to do with misunderstandings and outright lies concerning the text.
What is the Best Study Bible Available? My Crossway ESV Study Bible Review
Chances are if you’ve read even a little bit of the Bible then you’ve realized we often need help understanding it.
The Blaze: Matt Walsh, Blogger, Responds to my Email
*Author’s Note: this is an edited re-post from my old blog. I originally wrote it in August of 2014*
If you haven’t heard of him, Matt Walsh (blogger) is sort of an internet anti-celebrity who works for the Blaze blogging about really controversial things and upsets a lot of people. In a nutshell.
Anyway, the point is that he’s a Christian blogger whom I highly respect. I enjoy his writing and I agree with his arguments. And so I sent him an email.
Something Matt occasionally does is respond to emails from readers. Usually he’s logically defending his stance from someone who is irrationally screaming at him, calling him names, and generally being really nasty while blaming him for hatred.
But sometimes he blogs in response to people like the “quiet, boring girl in class,” or people like me! You can find the post here.