So You’re a Preteen Now – Good Luck, Kid

Something that really sucks about growing up (for most of us) is that the second you start having difficulties and dealing with new social pressures happens to be the same second you start feeling extremely uncomfortable opening to up to anyone who would actually be able to help you.

Photo of preteens on ropes courseSorry parents, I’m not necessarily saying you didn’t do a good job or anything like that; it’s just a cruel curse of the world that we really don’t wanna talk to you about what we’re really dealing with because somewhere inside we just don’t want to hear an answer, whatever it may be.

Fact is, this is a part of your life that will define many of your insecurities, anxieties, traumas, and other horrible things you will carry with you for years to come. The redemption is that you will also find some passions, skills, interests, hobbies, and maybe even a couple of friends to take with you as you go.

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Why are Christians so Stupid?

Photo of a dunce hat on a stool in a cornerYou’ve talked to them. You’ve heard about them. You’ve seen them on TV. Heck, you were raised by them! The nutty and nitwitted Bible-thumpers not only want to prevent everyone from having fun; they want to keep you from learning and exploring!

Why are Christians so stupid? Why are Christians so ignorant? What in the world made them this way? Why do they cling so tightly to their extremely conservative philosophies, ignoring and preventing societal progress?

Is there any way to get through to them? Will they listen? Why do they deny science and reason and statistics and just plain facts? Believe it or not, there are understandable reasons behind the madness of the super-religious. And especially Christians.

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Identifying the Beast

I have this problem. It’ s a problem we all have, really. But everyone struggles with it to different extents and with varying alternations.

Hand-drawn picture of a werewolf under a full moonSometimes I feel like an animal. An animal who is bound by instinct and genetics and what have you to perform a certain habitual set of actions. And while on one hand I have the free will to change any of those predefined actions and do as I please, it seems I first must sever a thickly metallic commitment of my nature that is hell-bound to perform those default actions.

I am sorry if I have confused you already. Please understand that I cannot fully grasp this concept myself. I don’t think anyone really can. But I think that at the very least, being aware of the problem is one step toward being able to fight against it. To fight against the beast.

Now I have gone from using the word animal to using the word beast. At first I felt that animal was an appropriate word to use, but it seems too innocent. Visions of woodland creatures frolicking in a meadow might come to mind at the mention of a mild word such as “animal.”

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Does the Bible say Homosexuality is a Sin?

One of the most sensitive cultural topics today (especially within the church) is that of homosexuality and LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender) issues.

Photo of a sign depicting two generic male imagesThe accusations, misunderstandings, ignorance, hatred, and failure to understand scripture on both sides of the argument has created a nearly irreparable tension between the question of homosexuality and its relationship with the church, the Bible, and even God Himself.

Even after decades of public debate, legislation, activism, press coverage… the question still stands: does the Bible say homosexuality is a sin? Somehow amid the empirical “yes” and “no” answers there is little discussion about the actuality of this issue in light of scripture.

My prayer is to hum a different tune and shed some light on a reasonable Christian response that correctly aligns with scripture and God’s will.

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Seven Myths about Christianity

Photo of a maskLiving in a world of lies and deception we all have come into contact with ridiculous superstitions, manipulative religious zealots, failed gossip games of telephone, and outright lies.

There are misunderstandings about everything in the world but perhaps one of the most misunderstood and twisted out-of-context in today’s postmodern world is Christianity.

Today we will be examining seven popular myths about Christianity in an effort to promote truth and sound Biblical teaching. In no particular order I hope to dispel these myths with both scripture and sound reasoning.

1.  Being Good gets you to Heaven

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I’m a Christian: Why Can’t I Just be Happy?

photo of a man alone in a chairJesus was beaten and flogged prior to being tortured to death on a cross while the Father God withdrew Himself from His perfect and sinless Son in what was the only way to save all of humanity (or at least, those who would accept His gift) from eternal suffering.

I’ve accepted this gift and chosen to dedicate my life to spreading and living this gospel not by the best of my ability, but by relying on God’s ability through the skills, gifts, and talents He has imbued in me.

This is all really exciting and everything, but life still seems like it sucks most of the time. I mean, you’d think I’d be really happy and full of zeal. Bouncing off the walls, praising God loudly with my lips and shouts (Psalm 71:8, 100), and just generally being in a pretty good mood about the whole thing.

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Real Women Have Vaginas

Image of the female symbol (or symbol of Venus)I’m tired of hearing it. I’m tired of overly obese women feeling like their entire worth is based off their image. I’m tired of hearing every slightly “chunky” (actually, normal and healthy) girl wish she wasn’t so fat. I’m tired of hearing about stick-sized barbie model women who don’t feel like enough because they don’t have “curves”.

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Who Created God?

Photo of a galaxy - who created God?

Whether this question has always been a stumbling block for intellectuals throughout history or if it has recently become popular in the last few hundred years of our “age of reason,” it’s not uncommon among skeptics to ask “who created God?”

In a culture that is increasingly obsessed with science, laws of physics such as the conservation of energy causes us to ask such questions about not only the origin of the universe but also the origin of it’s creator.

Like many questions concerning the scientific viability of God and God’s nature as a whole, asking who created God begs a multifaceted answer.

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Live-In Boyfriends: Stop Being Cowards

Image of an anti-marriage signAlright, men. Let’s talk about what it means to be a man. I know that emotional attachment and long-term commitment are really icky things for the average modern man to talk about these days, but this is a very under-addressed issue.

There are a number of reasons why you might be convinced that cohabitation is a good idea. “Trial marriage,” they say. “Test your compatibility” they say.

But there is a significantly higher amount of reasons why you should not live with and have sex with your spouse before you marry.

I can boil it down to one: it’s cowardly. And here is why.

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